At liftDEMAND we are committed to excellence in online marketing. It is a core part of our striving to offer the best service and best value to our clients from creating Digital Marketing Plans to implementing SEO Services.
We’ve been working around the clock to improve our technology, improve how we support our clients, and enhance all aspects of our services.
Our internal processes are under scrutiny as well. We manage complexity and a lack of clarity can be the single biggest area that lead to confusion and disfunction.
What kind of confusion? Ever heard of “Who’s On First”? I’m sure you have, but in case you haven’t, here’s their complete “Who’s On First?” routine. I hope you enjoy it…
In other words, who’s responsible for a project and where is it in the development queue. To help us avoid the “Who’s on First” confusion and to better manage our projects we’ve tried all manner of different systems over the last 18 months to control this and avoid confusion. The list includes Basecamp, Simpleology, and Capsule to name a few. Some are complicated. Some are expensive.
Then we bumped into Trello. We’ve been working to turn it into a complete project management system and we are finding it to be really helpful in implementing our client’s online digital marketing plans. As we discover better ways to more efficiently complete our work, Trello allows us to easily update our business rules. I have to say it is pretty handy.
We’ve made great strides in improving our internal processes and getting caught up on our pending projects which is fantastic.
But then I realized I could completely replace expensive subscriptions to time and personal management software and leverage Trello instead.
Talk about a productivity boost!
I’m so happy about how effective it is, I decided to record a video series to share exactly how I’m using Trello for my own Time Management as well as how you can set it up to do the same. I’ve broken it down into some easy to digest steps even if you haven’t ever used Trello before. Once you get the hang of Trello you can begin to leverage for other things including complex project management.
Here is the complete series. I hope you enjoy it!