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Flying Purple Monkeys Attack OZ

So what does “Flying Purple Monkeys Attack OZ” have to do with Organic SEO Marketing?  Quite a bit actually. Let’s face it.  For most small business owners, diving into the realities of online traffic building including Organic SEO is like being...

What is The Best Day to Send Emails?

The truth is that all Email campaigns are different from audience to message. Trying to figure out the best day to send Emails by leveraging data is a good place to start.  But remember that Email marketing statistics pulled from averages compiled via different...

Google Algorithm Change

Google is by far the most leveraged search engine in the U.S., processing more than 64% of all search requests.  It is for this reason that we dedicate this post to keeping track of the changes that Google makes to its algorithm. Assuming we accept that Google is...

How to Increase Organic Traffic

One big question facing a business owner is why they should invest in any marketing effort to target search engine results. Yet this kind of effort is critical if driving more organic traffic to a website is important… here’s why… Google alone...